Voltage stabilizer
On a reverse side of a combination of devices sideways on a small radiator the voltage stabilizer (shooter) is established. |
On a reverse side of the block of a combination of devices three bolts screwed a small box – a voltage stabilizer. Its task – to supply indicators of temperature and amount of fuel with completely leveled tension. Otherwise fluctuations of tension will lead to fluctuations of arrows of indicators.
If both devices behave "the devil knows as" or at all show nothing, most likely, because of the stabilizer.
Check of a voltage stabilizer
- To remove a combination of devices, again to connect a wire.
- To include ignition.
- To connect the voltmeter between average and left contact of the stabilizer (if to look at a combination of devices from a reverse side).
- The voltmeter has to show 9,75 — 10,25 Century.
- If value of tension goes beyond these limits, so the voltage stabilizer is faulty. If at all there is no tension, it is necessary to check food giving.
- For this purpose to connect the voltmeter between average and right contact of the stabilizer. If it does not show accumulator tension, so it is necessary to look for a gap in conducting.