Audi 80/Avant (B4)since 1991-1995 releaseRepair and operation of the car |
Audi 80/Avant + Technical specification + Engines + System of production of the fulfilled gases + Cooling system + Fuel tank and fuel pump + Air filter and airintaking channels + System of injection + Coupling + Transmission and transmission - Suspension bracket and steering Control of a condition of a casing of the steering mechanism Check of dustproof covers and side play of tips of cross steering drafts Check of dustproof covers of hinges of a forward suspension bracket Check of a side play of a steering Check of a maple or poliklinovy belt Check of level of working liquid Check of a side play of the bearing of a nave of a wheel Shock-absorbers List of malfunctions Adjustment of corners of installation of wheels Measurement of adjustment of corners of installation of wheels List of malfunctions Repair of a running gear and steering Repair of a forward suspension bracket Repair of a back suspension bracket Steering Repair of a steering List of malfunctions Adjustment of the steering mechanism Filling with liquid and pumping of a hydraulic system of the power steering Safety cushion Requirements of safety measures + Brake system + Anti-blocking system of brakes + Wheels and tires + Body electrical system + System of ignition + Lighting + Signalling devices + Devices and auxiliary devices + Heating and ventilation + body Elements + Search of malfunctions + Specifications |
Adjustment of corners of installation of wheels For the best understanding of the separate basic concepts at adjustment of wheels these illustrations are given.
For achievement of reliable controllability of the car forward wheels have to stand under certain corners in the vertical and horizontal plane. In order that you could have a clear view the concept "ratio of angles of rotation of the operated wheels", we give an explanation of some concepts: |