Audi 80/Avant (B4)

since 1991-1995 release

Repair and operation of the car

Audi 80/Avant
+ Technical specification
- Engines
   Basic elements
   Lubrication system
   Ventilation of a case
   Visual check of the engine
   Running in of the new engine
   Engine service life
   Nominal and maximum frequency of rotation
   Restriction of frequency of rotation
   Measurement of pressure of compression
   List of malfunctions
   Provorachivaniye of the engine
   Hydraulic pushers
   Works on the GRM gear belt
   List of malfunctions
   Removal and installation of a head of the block of cylinders
   Removal and installation of the engine
+ System of production of the fulfilled gases
+ Cooling system
+ Fuel tank and fuel pump
+ Air filter and airintaking channels
+ System of injection
+ Coupling
+ Transmission and transmission
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Brake system
+ Anti-blocking system of brakes
+ Wheels and tires
+ Body electrical system
+ System of ignition
+ Lighting
+ Signalling devices
+ Devices and auxiliary devices
+ Heating and ventilation
+ body Elements
+ Search of malfunctions
+ Specifications

Welx :

Removal and installation of a head of the block of cylinders


Bolts of a head of the block of cylinders have to be tightened in the sequence specified by figures. Engines are represented (from left to right) 4-, 5-, and 6-cylinder. Shooters specify the direction of the movement.

The dinamometrichesky key is surely necessary for performance of this work. Further it will be required to you a long face multigear key of T 55 (for 4-and 5-cylinder engines) or an external star-shaped key E 14 (the 6-cylinder engine) and for installation of a head of the block of cylinders – new laying.

Removal at 4-and 5-cylinder engines


  1. To remove a negative cable of the battery.
  2. The engine with system of injection of Mono-Motronic: to remove the air filter.
  3. To merge and collect cooling liquid.
  4. To weaken cooling system hoses on a head of the block of cylinders.
  5. To uncover the ignition distributor together with wires of a high voltage (the 5-cylinder engine) (see the head System of ignition).
  6. To unhook a cable of the drive of "gas".
  7. 5-cylinder engine: to remove the pump of the power steering and to put in a motor compartment, hoses remain connected. Not to bend a tube.
  8. All electric wires near a head of the block of cylinders and the block of injection or an inlet collector to note and extend.
  9. To separate tubes of supply of fuel of system of injection on connecting couplings.
  10. To note and remove vacuum hoses on an inlet collector or on the case of throttle knot, and also vacuum hoses from the amplifier of brakes.
  11. During the work with the 5-cylinder engine to remove the top part of the final gas pipeline (section System of Injection of KE-III-Jetronic). Also to remove vpryskny nozzles, having left hoses of a fuel-supply line of a high pressure connected.
  12. To pack vpryskny nozzles into pure, petrol-resistant plastic packages.
  13. To remove tips of wires from the starting fuel valve and to put aside with the connected fuel pipe.
  14. To note and remove plugs of system of injection. Helps at installation: plugs have different color.
  15. 5-cylinder engine: to remove the proofreader of composition of gas mixture together with the case of the air filter.
  16. To disconnect an exhaust pipe from a final collector.
  17. To turn off the top fastening of the generator at the 4-cylinder engine. Before it to weaken maple a belt.
  18. To remove the protection cover of a gear belt, to weaken a gear belt and to remove from a camshaft gear wheel.
  19. To uncover heads of the block of cylinders.
  20. To weaken bolts of a head of the block of cylinders in the return sequence, than it is shown in drawings on the right above. Before it the engine has to cool down because the warm head of the block of cylinders can be deformed after removal.
  21. To remove a head of the block of cylinders together with inlet and final collectors, and also the ignition distributor (the 5-cylinder engine). If he does not act without effort, to help itself(himself) in easy blows a plastic hammer.
    The description of works belongs to the left head of the block of cylinders. Removal of the right head of the block of cylinders happens in the same way.

Removal at the 6-cylinder engine


  1. To remove protection of the engine and a casing of a maple belt.
  2. To take off maple a belt (see the section Generator).
  3. To take off a gear belt (the description of works is higher in this chapter).
  4. To disconnect an exhaust pipe from a final collector.
  5. To merge cooling liquid through a carving stopper of a drain opening of the engine and a radiator below on the right.
  6. To disconnect an air duct from a final collector.
  7. To separate the Hall sensor plug.
  8. To disconnect hoses of system of ventilation of a case on a head of the block of cylinders at the left and on a head of the block of cylinders on the right.
  9. To disconnect an air inlet sleeve from the air filter.
  10. To disconnect from the case of throttle knot at the left a vacuum tube of the conditioner and/or blocking of differential.
  11. To press an air duct down and to take out together with hoses of system of ventilation of a case.
  12. To disconnect protective fastening of the hummock drive of "gas", to hang out and release a cable of the drive of "gas".
  13. To separate plug connection of the temperature sensor of the let-in air and the valve of stabilization of frequency of rotation of a shaft of the engine in the idling mode.
  14. To separate fuel drain and bulk hydrolines.
  15. To disconnect connection on the case ("weight") behind the case of throttle knot.
  16. To disconnect the vacuum pipeline conducting to the control unit in front of the case of throttle knot.
  17. To disconnect plug connection on the case of throttle knot.
  18. To turn off the vacuum pipeline to the tank valve with absorbent carbon on the right on the case of throttle knot.
  19. To disconnect tips of wires to all spark plugs.
  20. To disconnect all electric plugs on vpryskny nozzles.
  21. To disconnect plugs of the sensor of a detonation and heating a lambda probe.
  22. To separate plugs a lambda probe and to release wires.
  23. To disconnect plug connection to the switch with a hydrowire and to the oil temperature sensor (behind on the left head of the block of cylinders).
  24. To remove the plug of an electronic thermoswitch in a water pipe of a radiator.
  25. To disconnect the vacuum pipeline (blue color) to the backpressure valve in the pipeline to the amplifier of brakes.
  26. To remove plugs on vpryskny nozzles at the left and on the right.
  27. To turn off holders of a branch pipe on a final collector. Not to separate a branch pipe.
  28. To turn off and take out a final collector.
  29. To close openings pure fabric.
  30. To turn off a cooling system tube behind on a head of the block of cylinders.
  31. To pick up the intaking phone of carbon monoxide.
  32. To remove a lambda probe.
  33. To disconnect sheet thermal insulation of a final collector.
  34. To uncover heads of the block of cylinders.
  35. To remove back part of the protection cover of a gear belt.
  36. To disconnect branch pipes from a tank with cooling liquid to the pump on a head of the block of cylinders.
  37. To weaken bolts of a head of the block of cylinders in the return sequence, than it is shown in drawings on the right above. Before it the engine has to cool down because the warm head of the block of cylinders after removal can be deformed.
  38. To remove a head of the block of cylinders together with inlet and final collectors, and also the ignition distributor (the 5-cylinder engine). If he does not act without effort, to help in easy blows a plastic hammer.

Check of the removed head of the block of cylinders

All types of engines


  1. To remove old laying of a head of the block of cylinders. Consolidation surfaces on a head of the block of cylinders and the block of cylinders have to be absolutely pure, without any remains of sealing laying. It is impossible to scratch the firm tool on a soft sealing surface of a head of the block of cylinders. Grooves can become the reason of the following damage of laying of a head of the block of cylinders.
  2. To check a head of the block of cylinders for deformation (it is especially important at damage of sealing laying of a head of the block of cylinders because of an overheat).
  3. To put a long metal ruler or guaranteed right metal angle lengthways on the cleared sealing surface of a head of the block of cylinders.
  4. To check the measuring probe, whether there is on any place a deflection bigger, than 0,1 mm. In the latter case the head of the block of cylinders will need to be ground before installation.
  5. It is possible to work with a head of the block of cylinders only in limited limits. The minimum height – measured from top to lower to sealing surfaces – 132,6 mm at the 4-cylinder engine and 132,75 mm at 5-and 6-cylinder engines has to be observed.


All types of engines


  1. If you establish a new head of the block of cylinders, it is necessary to oil slightly directing hydraulic pushers. To oil and establish a camshaft as it is described earlier.
  2. If necessary to establish a carving cover on the replaced head of the block of cylinders of the 6-cylinder engine.
  3. The carving on bolts of a head of the block of cylinders and in the corresponding openings on the block of cylinders has to be pure and without damages, otherwise the inhaling moment at a tightening of bolts will not coincide.
  4. In openings for bolts of the block of cylinders there should not be an oil or water, differently cast iron in the field of a carving can become torn.
  5. To turn a cranked shaft it is a little back against the direction of rotation that any piston did not stand in situation VMT, differently the open valve at putting on of a head of the block of cylinders can face such piston.
  6. To put sealing laying of a head of the block of cylinders thus on the block of cylinders that number of the spare part or designation of "oben" ("up") showed to a head of the block of cylinders.
  7. To put on a head of the block of cylinders. For this purpose in a workshop during the work with 4-and 5-cylinder engines two directing bolts are applied. Without supportive applications laying and a head of the block of cylinders constantly move.
  8. This tool you can make heads of the block of cylinders from two old bolts: to saw off a head of a bolt and to saw through at the top of vents (for twisting by a screw-driver).
  9. After installation of several bolts of a head of the block of cylinders it is possible to remove the directing bolts.
  10. To screw all bolts of a head of the block of cylinders and to tighten in the sequence stated above the moment:

    4-, 5-cylinder
    The 6-cylinder
    First degree of an inhaling 40 N • m (no)
    Second degree of an inhaling 60 N • m 60 N • m
    Third degree of an inhaling To turn bolts a rigid key on a half of a turn, without removing a key (in the same sequence). It is also possible to turn two times on a quarter of a turn

  11. Thereby bolts are finally tightened, and they do not need to be tightened once again at all.
  12. Pay attention at assembly to regulation of the hummock drive of "gas" and installation of vpryskovy nozzles at the 5-cylinder engine (chapter about injection).
  13. Important: to pay attention to sequence of an inhaling at installation of a final collector at the 6-cylinder engine.
  14. Besides, to check at 4-and 5-cylinder engines ignition installation (the head System of ignition).