Audi 80/Avant - Technical specification Engines Transmissions Body Chassis 15-inch wheels Brake system Seats Passive safety Full drive Distributive Torsen-differential Dynamics of the movement at a dry paving Instructions on operation for all-wheel drive cars Blocking of differential of the back bridge Motor compartment Regular servicing Organization of a workplace Lubricant works Oil consumption Right choice of engine oil Replacement of engine oil and oil filter Check of level of working liquid of the power steering Check of level of oil of a mechanical transmission Check of level of oil in the drive of the back bridge Control of the ATF level in an automatic transmission Check of level of oil in the main transfer of an automatic transmission Replacement of ATF Greasing of hummock drives, hinges and locks + Engines + System of production of the fulfilled gases + Cooling system + Fuel tank and fuel pump + Air filter and airintaking channels + System of injection + Coupling + Transmission and transmission + Suspension bracket and steering + Brake system + Anti-blocking system of brakes + Wheels and tires + Body electrical system + System of ignition + Lighting + Signalling devices + Devices and auxiliary devices + Heating and ventilation + body Elements + Search of malfunctions + Specifications
The Audi 80 models are completed with five petrol engines. The scale of engines stretches from economic 4-cylinder motors to comfortable and powerful options, such as single-row 5-cylinder and V-shaped 6-cylinder engines. In particular, it:
- 66 kW 2,0-liter 4-cylinder engine (90 hp)
- 85 kW 2,0-liter 4-cylinder engine (115 hp)
- 98 kW 2,3-liter 5-cylinder engine (133 hp)
- 110 kW 2,6-liter V-shaped 6-cylinder engine (150 hp)
- 128 kW 2,8-liter V-shaped 6-cylinder engine (174 hp)
The though externally almost not changed, present Audi 80 car became "much more adult" in comparison with generation predecessor. The shortcoming which often was criticized earlier, – too small luggage carrier – is completely eliminated now. Besides, on Audi now there is a new back bridge providing to the car considerable steadier behavior during the movement. |
4-cylinder engines
Both 4-cylinder engines with which Audi 80 is completed, have the volume of 2 l. This two-liter 4-cylinder engine is well-known on numerous model series predecessors. Its roots leave in 1972 (then its volume still made 1,3 and 1,5 l).
The increase in volume to 2 l happened in 1988 on the basis of the unit which "grew up" by this time to 1,8 l. Additional cubic centimeters do well first of all to a torque.
Every time other novelties are added to increase in volume, this time reacting to warmly tension roller keeping the constant level of a tension of the GRM gear belt at various temperatures of the engine. This measure led to increase in service life of a gear belt. Something almost already by itself razumeeshcheesya: valves are put in action by the hydraulic pushers which are not demanding servicing.
Distinctions of both 4-cylinder engines consist mainly in preparation of gas mixture: while the 66 kW 4-cylinder engine (90 hp) works at the normal AI-92 gasoline which is not containing lead arriving through one nozzle (the central injection), the 85 kW version (115 hp) is supplied with system of injection of Digifant. In this case through own nozzle AI-95 gasoline comes to each cylinder (euro super). Bezdetonatsionny adjustment of an advancing of ignition (you will find an explanation in the head System of ignition) does possible operation of the engine and on AI-92 gasoline, and without any unpleasant consequences for the motor.
5-cylinder engine
The reliable and unpretentious 2,3-liter 5-cylinder single-row engine for last years constantly was exposed to technical improvements. So, for example, it is supplied already mentioned reacting on warmly tension roller which provides a tension of a gear belt of a camshaft at the constant level.
In it 5-cylinder the engine with system of injection of KE-III-Jetronic and system of ignition with program control process of combustion of fuel is controlled by the detonation sensor installed on each cylinder so this power unit optimum uses unleaded AI-95 gasoline at extent of compression 10,0:1. As substitute it is possible to use also AI-92 gasoline (normal).
The maximum power of 98 kW (133 hp) the 5-cylinder engine reaches at 5500 rpm, and the maximum torque of 186 N • m at 4000 rpm. The wide chart of a torque provides dynamism at low and average frequencies of rotation of the crankshaft.
V6 engine
2,8 l
The V-shaped 6-cylinder engine is equipped with electronic system of injection of MPI fuel with the measuring instrument of mass of air which controls quality of mix for each cylinder separately and therefore reduces fuel consumption and reduces amount of harmful substances in the fulfilled gases. The process in cylinders created at combustion is "watched" by two sensors of detonation combustion exercising selective control of a detonation. It prevents negative consequences which can arise at use of fuel with too low octane number.
Interesting detail of this engine is so-called the inlet wire with a changeable length of a path which provides existence of a high torque in the wide range of frequency of rotation. Six valves in the inlet pipeline with a changeable length of a path are put in action by depression and cope depending on number of turns: to 4000 rpm they form long pipelines for achievement of a high torque. Over 4000 rpm – short pipelines for achievement of bigger power. The V-shaped 6-cylinder Audi engine reaches the maximum torque of 245 N • m at 3000 rpm on AI-95 gasoline. At use of AI-98 gasoline (euro super plus) it develops 250 N • m. In the wide range of frequencies of rotation from 2000 rpm to 5000 rpm at least 220 N • torque m are at the disposal of the driver.
The system of ignition of the V-shaped 6-cylinder engine does without mechanical distributor of ignition.
2,6 l
For the first time on Audi 80: 6-cylinder V-shaped engine.
Streams of the fulfilled gases of the left and right number of cylinders go to two catalytic converters working separately. Thanks to existence two warmed a lambda probes separate regulation of the fulfilled gases for each number of cylinders is provided. The 2,6-liter 6-cylinder engine appeared as slightly "grown thin" version only in August, 1992. Slightly modified system of injection (MPFI) applies other method of measurement of air. Also in this engine there is no inlet gas pipeline with a changeable length of a path. But at the developed 110 kW at 5750 rpm and 225 N • m at 3500 rpm about a lack of power out of the question.
Functioning of the inlet gas pipeline with a changeable length of a path: at the left a way of the let-in air at number of turns of smaller 4000 rpm, on the right a way of the let-in air at the number of turns exceeding this size.