Audi 80/Avant (B4)since 1991-1995 releaseRepair and operation of the car |
Audi 80/Avant + Technical specification + Engines + System of production of the fulfilled gases + Cooling system + Fuel tank and fuel pump + Air filter and airintaking channels + System of injection + Coupling + Transmission and transmission + Suspension bracket and steering + Brake system + Anti-blocking system of brakes + Wheels and tires - Body electrical system Minus to "weight" Orientation in the electrical system Wires Plug connections Central switchboard Additional block of the relay Relay and control units Unloading relay of contact of X Safety locks Table of safety locks Electric circuits + Full electroscheme of the Audi 80 car: 2-liter 4-cylinder engine (66 kW) + 2-liter 4-cylinder engine (85 kW) + 2,3-liter 5-cylinder engine (98 kW) + 2,6-liter 6-cylinder engine (110kvt) + Additional equipment - Battery On reserves how many are enough? Control of level of electrolyte Check of a battery charging Battery charging Start of the engine with the discharged accumulator + Generator Check of a condition of a maple or polilinovy belt Tension of a maple belt Tension of a maple or poliklinovy belt The belt torn maple Engine overheat because of damage of a maple belt Review of maple and poliklinovy belts Replacement of a maple belt List of malfunctions Starter List of malfunctions + System of ignition + Lighting + Signalling devices + Devices and auxiliary devices + Heating and ventilation + body Elements + Search of malfunctions + Specifications |
Battery The battery is the center of the onboard Audi 80 electrical system. Various consumers of food use a stock of its energy, and the battery from the generator is charged. Principle of work The electrode (lead plate) contacts to the divorced sulfuric acid (electrolyte) and gives under the influence of solution positive ions, that is the chastets electrically loaded, to electrolyte. Thereby between electrolyte and a lead plate voltage is created. However it is, not enough, tension created as a result "voluntary" transition of charged particles and on the accumulator give a charge voltage. As a result of it sulfate of lead of the discharged battery turns on a positive electrode into lead dioxide, and on the negative – into spongy lead. At the same time in electrolyte sulfuric acid, an external sign of almost complete process of charging – emergence of vials of gas is again formed. At a discharge of the accumulator there is the return process. Dioxide of lead of a positive plate and spongy lead negative again turn into lead sulfate, and sulfuric acid is spent, and water is formed. Therefore with a discharge of the battery acid density decreases. Designation of the battery In the Audi 80 models with 4-and 5-cylinder engines the battery is located behind on the right in a motor compartment. In models with the 6-cylinder engine: the accumulator is located at the left ahead in a motor compartment. On installation sites it is protected by a cover.
Battery parameters Tension and capacity: 12 B/40 Ach the first (12 V), of course, specifies tension in designation. Behind inclined line the current which the accumulator is capable to give for a unit of time is specified – Ach means ampere-hours. It is the nominal capacity of the battery measured according to standard conditions. In practice it is necessary to count only on 2/3 specified ampere-hours; at older accumulator only on a half. |